Eunmi (Ellie) Jeong
Ph.D. student in the Information School at the University of Wisconsin-Madison
My research interests center on understanding user motivations, experiences, and behaviors in organizational contexts when interacting with information technologies. I explore the underlying factors that influence user experiences and behaviors. Specifically, I investigate the unique needs and motivations of diverse user groups who engage with information technologies. My ultimate research goal is to develop design frameworks for user-centered information technologies that effectively serve diverse user populations and optimize their experiences.
2021- Ph.D. in Information (in progress)
Advisor: Dr. Corey B. Jackson
University of Wisconsin – Madison, Madison, WI
2019-2021 MS in Information Management, Certificate of
Advanced Study (C.A.S) in Data Science (GPA 4.0/4.0) Syracuse University, Syracuse, NY
2008 Exchange Student
University of Leicester, Leicester, United Kingdom
2006-2011 Bachelor of Business Administration
BA in English Language and Literature (double major)
(GPA 4.08/4.5)
Sungkyunkwan University, Seoul, Republic of Korea
Data analysis for identifying major causes of customer dissatisfaction and developing actionable insights to lower customer churn of Southeast Airlines.
Database system development to establish an integrated iSchool course catalog database and link it to the course registration system to enhance user conveniences
Created project charter, preliminary scope statement, WBS, executive overview, and project schedule for a project to implement a patient interaction system in Children's hospital.
Identified major factors and rules that affected employee leave by running the Association Rule Mining algorithm and created an interactive application that can visualize the findings.
Trained a weather dataset employing Cluster Analysis and Decision Tree induction algorithms and processed a weather prediction by applying them to the test dataset.
Constructed models on the patients' disease dataset using NBC, KNN, SVM, and Ensemble learning algorithms. Generated a prediction applying those models to the test dataset.
Jeong, E., Jackson, C., Dowthwaite, L., Johnson, C., & Trouille, L. (2024). How Personal Value Orientations Influence Behaviors in Digital Citizen Science. Proceedings of the ACM on Human-Computer Interaction (CSCW’24), 1-25. https://doi-org.ezproxy.library.wisc.edu/10.1145/3637341
Tang, J., Jeong, E. E., & Zhang, P. (2024). Goal Structuration for Gamification Design in Learning (GSGDL): A Theory-driven Framework. PACIS 2024 Proceedings, 9. https://aisel.aisnet.org/pacis2024/track14_educ/track14_educ/9
Jeong, E., Jackson, C., & Zhang, J. (2024). Investigating User Perspectives on Workplace Learning Supported by GenAI: Experiences and Perceptions of Software Engineers. Computer-Supported Cooperative Work (CSCW’25) - Under Review.
Jackson, C., Dowthwaite, L., Jeong, E., Trouille, L., Fortson, L., Lintott, C., … & Miller, G. (2024). Unleashing the Power of the Zooniverse: The 2021 Survey of Volunteers. Available at SSRN: http://dx.doi.org/10.2139/ssrn.4830179
Jeong, E., Jackson, C., Dowthwaite, L., Ahmad, T., & Trouille, L. (2023). Assessing the Value Orientations of Contributors to Virtual Citizen Science Projects. The 11th International Conference on Communities and Technologies (C&T ’23), May 29–June 02, 2023, Lahti, Finland. ACM, New York, NY, USA, 12 pages. https://doi.org/10.1145/3593743.3593782
* More publications are listed in my CV and on Google Scholar
Teaching Experience
2024 Instructor: PSYCH 755. Environments and Tools for Large-
Scale Behavioral Data Science, University of Wisconsin –
Madison, Madison, WI
2021-Present Teaching assistant: LIS 201. The Information Society,
University of Wisconsin – Madison, Madison, WI
2021 Teaching assistant: IST 755: Strategic Management of
Information Resources, Syracuse University, Syracuse, NY
Research Experience
2022-Current Project Assistant (PA)
University of Wisconsin – Madison, Madison, WI
Advisor: Dr. Corey B. Jackson
2020-2021 Faculty Assistant (FA)
Syracuse University, Syracuse, NY
Advisor: Dr. Murali Venkatesh
Professional Experience
2020 Project Manager (Intern)
TruWeather Solutions, Syracuse, NY
2011-2019 Overseas Sales Manager
Hyundai Corporation Holdings, Seoul, Republic of Korea
Awards & Honors
2019-2021 Graduate Program Excellence Tuition Scholarship,
Syracuse University
2008 Merit-based Scholarship for Exchange Students,
University of Leicester
2006-2008 Academic Excellence Scholarship,
Sungkyunkwan University
2023 Sep- Ph.D. Student Representative
Current University of Wisconsin – Madison, WI
Provide academic and administrative support for doctoral
students in UW-iSchool
2021 Sep- Lab Meeting Organizer (MadCollab)
2021 Dec University of Wisconsin – Madison, WI
Prepared the materials for the weekly lab meeting and facilitating internal communication
2020 Jul- Vice Chair of Korean Student Association (KSA)
2021 May Syracuse University, Syracuse, NY
Supported settlement of incoming students and led
social events for interaction among the association
2020 May- Vice President of iSchool Graduate Organization
2021 May Syracuse University, Syracuse, NY
Led career and social events to support School graduate students during the COVID-19 pandemic
2016 Oct- Representative CA (Change Agent) of Brand Business
2017 Jun Hyundai Corporation Holdings, Seoul, Republic of Korea
Led biweekly division-wide campaign and group activities to disseminate corporate mission and enhance teamwork
The Information School, Helen C. White Hall, 600 N. Park Street, Madison, WI 53706